SOMANGO - The Musicians



         Manuel                         Georg  



Die Thai-Singing Farang-Twins:   

Georg  (2. Lead Vocals & Guitar)

Georg is the one minute older twin. He used to live in Thailand for  4-5 years. Georg studied and worked there and learnt thereby to speak Thai fluently. He has been playing music for more than 15 years and has gathered experience in various styles of music (e.g. Rock, Pop, Jazz, Classic, Funk, Soul and certainly Thai music ) .

Manuel (1. Lead vocals & Guitar)

 The other twin is the first lead singer of the band. He has also a lot of experience with different styles of music. He was many times in Thailand and is also able to speak Thai.




                   David                   Tu




The Rhythm Group:

David (Drums & Vocals)

David is half German half French. He is the cousin of the twins Georg and Manuel. David grew up with music as his father is also a musician. He has gained a lot of experience as drummer in many bands.

Tu (Bass & Vocals)

Tu is Thai. He has played many years as bass player in various bands in Thailand, particularly in Bangkok.